How To Write Content For Affiliate Marketing

Its another Great Day to be writing and sharing information! So glad to be here and today I wanted to share some thoughts about How to write content for Affiliate Marketing. This is a topic that is NOT discussed nearly enough when it comes to gaining visitors to your website. In addition, adding value to whatever product or Service you want to promote and to increase your conversions from visitors into customers.

Let’s start off by listing a few highlights that will be included in today s article/blog post:

  • What is the 1st thing to do to create your Keyword Phrase/Headline?
  • How do you come up with content AROUND the Keyword Phrase?
  • Do you include stories or Examples to further illustrate your Message?
  • When should You include A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) to help me with producing content?

So lets dive right in and get into it!!

Photo by Radek Grzybowski on Unsplash

What is The 1st thing To Do To Create Your Keyword Phrase/Headline?

Well, the first thing that I can think of is to use a Keyword research tool and using your Mind to brainstorm ideas. A great keyword research tool just might have a Brainstorm section within it as well. This is why I have mentioned in previous articles that Beginner & Advanced marketers should consider a Wealthy Affiliate membership.

The key in this day and age is to have tools for your Marketing arsenal. This includes having a website, having a writing platform, and a research database to assist you with the creation of ideas. This is soooo important for the future and longevity of your business.

It doesn’t matter if you create videos or use audio in creative situations, content MUST be created in some way. When you develop a process for writing and composing those thoughts into ideas and arrange those ideas into a specific manner, those words create a whole NEW world for the reader. These are concepts that are new, or maybe innovative, or entertaining and thought-provoking. This is what the reader needs to see and envision as they gain knowledge from what is being written or spoken by the Author.

Another idea for creating keyword phrases & headlines for your articles would be to browse YouTube for additional ideas. YouTube is a Great learning center for gathering ideas to formulate what you are trying to create! There are so many ideas you can get from that platform alone that it should MORE than encourage/enlighten your creative thinking process.

Let’s focus on that phrase – Your Creative Thinking Process. This is where a Copywriter is Born. This is the Least Used part of your Mind when it comes to beginning to write and bring in readers to absorb your content and writing style!

If you are going to build a website, you WILL have to create content on a Regular basis to keep your audience engaged with your Message.

How do you come up with content AROUND the Keyword Phrase?

This is where you Let your Creative Mind go Free! Release those ideas and start by writing down anything that comes to mind. Once you have created at least half a page of content, review it. Some of it may not be relevant but some of it can be used in some sort of sequence to get the ball rolling. That is ALL you need! Once you get a sense of what your topic is going to be after your research, the body or the MEAT of your message will soon follow.

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

For me, I always get hung up with the Research part. I get stuck in the mode of,”I don’t have anything to write about!” Up til today, I have stayed in my OWN Pity party for days, weeks, AND months. This is the reality when I think about it. Some call it writer’s block, but for me, I have been in NON-Writing Mode for too long! So now that I have defined my diagnosis, I can also define and state that I am now FREE from any blockage that I once held! I also want to compose this to help other copywriters (Beginners or Advanced) from suffering from same issue(s) that once had me in the writing DUMPS!

At any rate, content should flow FREELY as you have something to flow from. For example, lets say I have an affiliate program for a music niche website. I want to write about R&B MUSIC. R&B stands for rhythm & blues. Off the top of my head, I may initially go back to being stuck, but wait a minute, I have listened to music for as long as I can remember. So, I can easily begin with a topic that goes like this: What Qualities do I enjoy from a Great Singer in R&B? Something like that.

Then I can draft my content around things like singers I enjoy listening to and what I like about their voice. I can list different artists and then highlight their vocal skills, their harmony pitch, and the range levels of how HIGH or low they can sing.

This same approach can be used for the offspring of any topic/headline you create. Remember, creativity is UNLIMITED. Once you FREE your mind of ANY limiting thought, you can create ideas and arrange them in such a way to make those ideas meaningful to your readers.

Do you include stories or Examples to further illustrate your Message?

Stories and examples are Everything. Its how you relate your illustration through your stories and relate it right back to the topic at hand. Some stories are abstract and some are directly relatable. It just has to make sense in some kind of way and you have to make sure that however it is being portrayed, the reader can come up with the connection.

So, again, let me provide just a few examples of things that connect that can be relatable even though the words and the message MAY be abstract. The topic is Sports. Here it goes: 1) KOBE Bryant – Black Mamba MENTALITY – NBA. 2. Michael Jordan – Air Jordan – Elite Scoring Machine – NBA. 3. Deion Sanders – PrimeTime – 2-Way Athlete – NFL/MLB

Each of these 3 Gifted Men have used their talents, gifts and specialized skills to be highly successful in their respective sports and I could write great stories not only about them but I could get creative and use what I saw them do and write about their performances and relate it to how it made me better! This is the beauty of storytelling.

I have an uncle who was a Former Pastor of a Baptist church and it would never cease to amaze me of how he would incorporate stories into his Message. He was absolutely brilliant in his delivery. This is how to engage your audience based on your creativity and relevancy of your stories or examples and how it ties into your overall topic of discussion.

When should you include A.I. to help with producing content?

I think this should be considered after you have written enough content to where you are reaching conversions. Conversions meaning visitors are now becoming affiliates of your product/service. It should be after your content is being ranked on the first page of It should also be where you can assist others with helping them create their unique writing style as well.

Photo by X on Unsplash

There are other options as well. You could also hire a freelance copywriter where you approve of their writing style. It must convince you as the reader and compel you to act upon what it is they are persuading you to do.

If you do decide to use A.I. at some point in the future, hopefully it is something that offers a Free trial so you can test out the product before spending your hard-earned dollars into it. So by that time, if you do decide to use an A.I. tool, I would recommend you build a hybrid version. This means that you can start with the A.I. finished product and then add your unique content and blend it in with the results from A.I. software. This guarantees that you have unique content for your readers to learn from and you know that the work is unique.


As I mentioned earlier, when I first began my journey as an Affiliate Marketer, I had no idea that creating content was part of the gig. I just knew I had to learn some of the basics of creating a website. I didn’t know if I could write something that would help other budding entrepreneurs with some things that helped me. I would also advise those of you who get stuck to research the topic of copywriting and see how you can learn the concept of Creativity in writing.

I emphasize that your blog posts MUST be original and allows the reader to learn from your perspective. I also want to share with you to open the Creative center of your Mind and be free from any blockage that hinders your talents!

Be Free…..

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